Celiac disease

The manufacturing of products for people suffering from celiac disease requires a special carefulness regarding the selection of the raw materials as well as the processing without contamination with gluten.

With the selective procurement of gluten-free raw materials and the production on completely separate plants, PrimaVera Naturkorn GmbH can guarantee the fulfilment of the statutory limits according to the EU guide line (EC) No. 41/2009.

Detailed specifications define the requirements on our raw materials and have to be confirmed by any raw material supplier. Compliance of the absence of gluten is analysed when receiving the goods.

To exclude any contamination, the storage of the raw materials as well as the processing happens on completely separate plants.

Moreover, the products are tested for compliance with the legal limits. For this purpose, PrimaVera Naturkorn GmbH maintains an in-house gluten laboratory. There, the so-called ELISA test analyses on the suitability of the products for people suffering from celiac disease.